
By reading this guide, you will discover the list of email marketing specialist skills you must learn and develop to send successful campaigns and create successful strategies.

You don’t need to master all these skills immediately, but you should at least be aware of what you can do to improve.

We all have to start anywhere, and this guide will give you a sound basis on the following:

  • You are applying for an email marketing position,
  • You are a freelancer/consultant who wants to improve your email marketing skills,
  • If you’re going to recover your email marketing skills or
  • You want to enhance the performance of your email marketing

Automation of Lead Feed and Progress  – Email Marketing Specialist Skills

Automation of Lead Feed and Progress  - Email Marketing Specialist Skills

Email marketing isn’t just about sending out newsletters and special promotions. Automating lead generation processes is one of the best things you can do to save period and get a higher return on investment from your email campaigns.

Today’s email marketers must have a thorough understanding of email marketing automation, such as:

  • Collect data and synchronize between systems
  • Segment people by data
  • Create workflows and monitoring sequences
  • Personalize emails effectively

To learn more about what way to set up automation to breed your leads well, here are some resources you can check out:

  • Ten examples of email campaigns (workflows) and how to create them
  • 56+ B2B lead generation ideas and samples to copy
  • Guide: Everything You Need to Know Near the Email Marketing Lifecycle
  • The Definitive Guide to Feeding

List Management and Segmentation Email Marketing Specialist Skills

As an email marketer, you will undoubtedly need to develop advanced skills in managing your contacts today.

Previously, mailing list management placed each segment or group of people on a separate list. Therefore, if you had 50 parts, you had 50 lists.

Yeah, I know it’s weird, but it happened a few years ago.

Why is this not a good practice today? Results in a large number of iterations from one list to another.

It also makes things confusing and complicated.

This old list-based contact management has been destroyed with the advent of list segmentation and contact tagging.

Marketers today know that the fewer email lists, the better the contact data and experience.

They segment their database by contact tags and custom fields to prevent spam and duplicate emails. It also helps them send highly relevant emails in their campaigns, resulting in higher open and click-through rates.

Here is a list of capitals you can use to learn how to manage your contacts and mailing lists:


  • Mailing List Management Best Practices (Complete Guide)
  • Email segmentation tools and tactics – what do they look like for us? And also
  • Targeted Email Marketing: List 5 Segmentation Ideas to Increase Conversions

Copywriting Email Marketing Specialist Skills

Writing emails is one of the most important skills a marketer should have.

Tons of emails fight for people’s attention every day – good writing skills make the difference between a successful campaign and one that will result in spam.

An email dealer should know how to write focus lines that increase open email rates.

There are free tools like Automizy’s Email Topic Line Tester that evaluate your topic line so you know if it’s good enough.

This tool will test your subject line writing skills and help optimize your text.


Email marketing specialist skills With the tools it offers today, the landscape is changing and constantly requires new skills and knowledge. So ensure you are continuously on top of your game and hone your skills. I hate introducing myself like everyone else. But we do our top to provide you with actionable and value-rich articles.