
However, some companies are reluctant to try tools for your marketing stack.

New technologies can be intimidating, and you don’t want to struggle with a tool that has a steep learning curve. But, unfortunately, that means companies are missing out on some great products that can make life and work so much easier, writes Travis. Wright is the chief marketing technologist at CCP Global.

The key is to build a tool for your marketing stack that fits your SaaS needs, not the latest trends. Also, don’t feel you have to have a mechanism for every function in your business. Instead, only try a tool when you think it can fix a problem or make your team more productive.

What Should Marketers Consider when Developing Tools for your Marketing Stack Marketing Stacks?

What Should Marketers Consider when Developing Tools for your Marketing Stack Marketing Stacks_

Different marketing teams have different ways of operating, so you can’t just give your marketing team another company’s marketing technology stack and expect them to work the same way. Instead, you need to adapt your marketing technology stack for issues like:

  • What is your marketing strategy? For example, what multiple channels does your business use for marketing itself? And what media do your customers regularly use? You’ll want the tools in your marketing technology stack to integrate well with these channels.
  • What challenges does your team face in your current marketing workflows? Then, look for tools that can help alleviate these points of frustration. In particular, devices with automation features can be handy for performing repetitive tasks on autopilot.
  • What is your budget? The marketing tools you choose to acquire new technologies must respect your budget.
  • Do the tools in your marketing technology stack talk to each other well? For example, if you need to send data from one device to another, it’s worth checking to see if those tools have native integrations that create seamless data synchronization.

Here are the Tools you’ll need in your Tools for your Marketing Stack for 2022

A well-developed and robust marketing technology stack can help marketers run more effective campaigns while reducing costs. Please scroll through our recommended marketing tools to build your marketing tech stack!

An Audience Research Tool

Successful marketing starts with understanding your customers. You may have created personalities that describe your customers’ backgrounds, desires, and pain points. But where do they spend their time online? Without this knowledge, you may run blind campaigns across multiple channels and fail to connect with most of your customer base.

It is where an audience research tool comes into play. It provides information about the social media accounts your customers follow and the websites they visit, among other data. Armed with this vital information, you can focus on specific channels to develop campaigns because you are sure to find your customers there. According to Qualtrics’ Market Research Trends 2022 Report, 67% of companies surveyed said they were more interested in acquiring new proprietary market research technologies.

An Omnichannel Tools for your Marketing Stack

Once you know your customers’ favorite channels, it’s time to market to them. With an omnichannel marketing tool like Mobile Marketing Cloud, you can create targeted marketing campaigns to engage customers on their favorite mobile channels like WhatsApp, SMS, email, or whatever.

When a company adds an omnichannel marketing tool to its marketing technology stack, here are the differences between before and after:

Before using Omnichannel Tools for your Marketing Stack:

Marketing teams have to run campaigns manually and add latency to the process.

Marketing workflows are divided into separate marketing channels.

Customers are subjected to generic marketing campaigns that don’t match their tastes or address their pain points.

After using an Omnichannel Marketing Tool:

Marketing campaigns automatically launch once triggered, helping your business take advantage of marketing opportunities without delay.

Marketing workflows across different channels are consolidated into one platform for easy management.

Customers receive marketing communications tailored to their preferences and enjoy a more personalized customer experience.


Tools for your marketing stack is a set of technologies that marketers use to drive and improve their marketing activities. Often, marketing technology is to streamline complex processes, measure the impact of marketing activities, and spend more effectively.